Rachel Aumiller: Kontradiktornost izkušnje travme / Testifying to Contradiction: Reassessing Contradiction and Accounts of Trauma
Oddelek za filozofijo Filozofske fakultete, UL vabi v sredo, 25. avgusta 2021, ob 18. uri na predavanje dr. Rachel Aumiller (ICI Berlin Institute for Cultural Inquiry) z naslovom Testifying to Contradiction: Reassessing Contradiction in Accounts of Trauma, na katerem bo izpostavila, kako je izkušnja travme sama po sebi kontradiktorna, ki je ni mogoče vedno predstaviti s koherentnim orisom doživetja.
Dogodek je organiziran v okviru projekta VERBUM SAT in sofinanciran s strani Evropske komisije. Predavanje bo potekalo preko Zoom platforme v angleškem jeziku.
Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana invites you on 25th August 2021 at 6 pm to a lecture by dr. Rachel Aumiller (ICI Berlin Institute for Cultural Inquiry) titled Testifying to Contradiction: Reassessing Contradiction and Accounts of Trauma, in which she will highlight how the experience of trauma is itself a contradictory experience that cannot always be represented by coherent description.
The event is organized as part of the VERBUM SAT project and co-financed by the European Commission. The lecture will take place via the Zoom platform.