The Centre operates under the auspices of the Department of Slovene Studies at the Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana. Its activities are arranged in eight specific programmes.
Other activities and courses
The Centre operates under the auspices of the Department of Slovene Studies at the Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana. Its activities are arranged in eight specific programmes.
Za izmenjave profesoric in profesorjev ter pedagoške dejavnosti v tujini skrbi Mednarodna pisarna FF.
The Faculty of Arts offers exams in 21 languages. We only offer exams, while the choice of language education is at the candidate's discretion.
Here you can obtain information and advice on how to prepare your written and personal presentations for potential employers, gain insight into innovative ways of seeking employment and self-promotion, and explore different employment options.
Filozofska fakulteta UL objavlja razpis 2 za vpis v študijski program ŠPIK smer Izpopolnjevanje iz bibliotekarstva za bibliotekarski izpit (ŠPIK-B) za študijsko leto 2021/2022.
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