Full list of publications ORCID Google Scholar Sicris
What's That Smell? A Philosophy of the Olfactory (Cambridge & London: MIT Press, 2024). Honors: Excellence in Science Award (Slovenian Research and Innovation Agency); Most Outstanding Research Achievement (University of Ljubljana). Reviews: Journal of Modern Literature
Kaj je ta duh? K filozofiji voha (Ljubljana: Analecta, 2016)
Na kratko o dolgčasu, lenobi in počitku (Ljubljana: Analecta, 2012)
"Topologie und logische Zeit: Žižeks Ästhetik des Signifikanten" (with Andrew Cutrofello), Žižek-Handbuch, ed. Dominik Finkelde (Metzler Verlag, forthcoming in 2025). In English: "Topology and Logical Time: Žižek's Aesthetic of the Signifier," The Bloomsbury Handbook to Slavoj Žižek, ed. Dominik Finkelde (Bloomsbury, forthcoming in 2026).
"The Tripwire of Modernism: Hunger as Function and Ornament," in Understanding Lacan, Understanding Modernism, eds. Thomas Waller and Sinan Richards (Bloomsbury, forthcoming in 2025).
"Gaps of Rest: Toward a Political Economy of Laziness," in Political Theology and Its Discontents: Psychoanalysis, Politics, Religion, eds. Boštjan Nedoh and K. Daniel Cho (Bloomsbury, forthcoming in 2026).
"Seksualnost in kloaka," Problemi 62, 9-10 (2024): 37-49.
"'Pnevmatska blaženost': kako so novejše empirične študije voha in dojenja dale Freudu prav," Problemi 62, 7-8 (2024): 33-54.
"El olor del capitalismo: sobre la tendencia universal al envilecimiento en la esfera de la economía capitalista," trans. Matheus Calderon, Hueso Húmero 79 (2024): 211-216.
"Parazit," trans. Marko Miočić, Problemi 62, 3-4 (2024): 151-164.
"Dialectic's Laughing Matter," Problemi International 6 (2023): 189-213.
"Živel antispecizem? Primer mrtvega psa (in mačk)," Problemi 60, 9-10 (2022): 199-239.
"Okultizem voha: od Fliessa in Freuda do Rilkeja in Süskinda," Problemi 60, 7-8 (2022): 141-170.
"Ste slišali tistega o Benjaminu?", Problemi 59, 9-10 (2021): 135-158.
"Imena na konici nosu," Amfiteater 9, 2 (2021): 56-69.
"Marx and Spinoza? On Kordela's Epistemontology as the Latest Systematic Program of Spinozist Marxism," Cultural Critique 112 (2021).
"Names at the Tip of the Nose," Filozofski vestnik 41, 3 (2020): 159-176.
"Govorica blag," Problemi 58, 1-2 (2020): 95-128.
"Ne splača se," in Robert Pfaller, Zakaj se splača živeti? (Ljubljana: Studia humanitatis, 2020).
"Prepozno za prihodnost," in Frank Ruda, Ukinjanje svobode (Ljubljana: Maska, 2020).
"Varieties of Negation: From Drizzle and Decaf to the Anti-Semitic Figure of the Jew," Lacanian Ink 51 (Spring 2018): 108-125.
"Comedy From a to Z: On the Subject-Matter of Ideological Interpellation," Problemi International 1 (2017): 129-158.
"Dialectic at Its Impurest," in Slavoj Žižek and Dialectical Materialism, eds. Agon Hamza and Frank Ruda (Basingstoke & New York: Palgrave, 2016), 85-99.
"What’s the Difference? Kant and Lacan," Filozofski vestnik 36, 2 (2015): 87-108.
"The Comedy of the Great Depression: On Chaplin’s Modern Times," Crisis and Critique 2, 1 (2015): 194-215. In Slovene: "Komediografija in velika depresija: o Chaplinovih Modernih časih," Problemi 52, 5-6 (2014): 183-205.
"I, Ideology, Speak," in (Mis)readings of Marx in Continental Philosophy, eds. Jernej Habjan and Jessica Whyte (Basingstoke & New York: Palgrave, 2014), 162-177.
"Capitalism and Repetition: Marx and Lacan," Crisis and Critique 1, 3 (2014): 223-244. In Slovene: "Kapitalizem in ponavljanje: Marx in Lacan," Problemi 52, 7-8 (2014): 177-200. In Portuguese: "Capitalismo e repetição: Marx e Lacan," trans. Daniel Fabre, LavraPalavra (May 23, 2016).
"Prozopopeja ideologije v luči Žižkove fetišistične sekvence," Problemi 52, 3-4 (2014): 143-168.
"Znova nič novega: Adorno, Deleuze, Beckett," Filozofski vestnik 34, 3 (2013): 179-195.
"Zakaj nezavedno ne pozna časa? Pogled s (Kantove) strani," Problemi 50, 5-6 (2012): 171-215.
"Kafkov gladovalec," Problemi 50, 3-4 (2012): 105-142.
"The Smell of Capitalism," e-flux (October 30, 2024).
"I Smell, Therefore I Am. On the Philosophy of the Olfactory," Psyche Magazine (March 11, 2024). In Turkish: "Kokuyorum, öyleyse varim: koku almanin felsefesi üzerine," Coverage (April, 2024).
"MAD 2.0," Delo 62, 85 (April 11, 2020): 19.
"The Radical Left Must Practice Negative Criticism Rather Than Affirmative Obscurantism," ILNA (April 15, 2019). In Farsi: Shargh Daily (printed ed., March 30, 2019).
"The Radical Left Needs a New Utopia," ILNA (December 9, 2018).
"O čem so odločali Grki?," Delo 57, 165 (July 18, 2015): 6-7.
"Jebeš reveže?," Mladina 17 (April 25, 2014): 30-31.
"O kapitalizmu in lenosti," Mladina 17-18 (2013): 66-68.
"Nič ni težjega kot nič ne početi," Dnevnikov objektiv 63, 249 (October 26, 2013): 22-23.
"Filozofija na barikadah," Mladina 28 (July 12, 2013): 34-35.
Eric L. Santner, Politična ekonomija mesa, trans. and ed. L. Šumah and S. Hajdini (Ljubljana: Analecta, 2021)
Frank Ruda, Heglova drhal, trans. A. Leskovec (Ljubljana: Sophia, 2015)
Prvotna akumulacija med zgodovino in konceptom (Ljubljana: Institute for Worker’s Studies, 2013)
Michael Heinrich, Kritika politične ekonomije: uvod, trans. M. Dobnikar (Ljubljana: Sophia, 2013)
Robert Burton, Anatomija melanholije, trans. L. Šumah (Ljubljana: Studia humanitatis, 2012)
Sigmund Freud, Metapsihološki spisi, 2nd edition, trans. E. Bahovec et al. (Ljubljana: Studia humanitatis, 2012)
Sigmund Freud, Spisi o družbi in religiji, trans. S. Hajdini et al. (Ljubljana: Analecta, 2007)
Sigmund Freud, Pet analiz (translation editor), trans. E. Bahovec et al. (Ljubljana: Analecta & Studia humanitatis, 2005)
Josef Breuer and Sigmund Freud, Študije o histeriji (translation editor), trans. S. Hajdini et al. (Ljubljana: Delta, 2002)
Problemi International, No. 1 (2017), No. 2 (2018), No. 3 (2019), No. 5 (2022), Ljubljana: Society for Theoretical Psychoanalysis.