Matjaž Potrč
Office hours

Wednesday, 2 pm till 2:40 pm; after previous contact at matjazpotrc[at]















Prof. Dr. Matjaž Potrč
Department of Philosophy

Prof. Dr. Matjaž Potrč

PhD at the Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Ljubljana (Frane Jerman); Postdoctoral studies: French government grant (Paris: Julija Kristeva, Jacques Lacan); Alexander von Humboldt (München: Wolfgang Stegmüller); Fulbright (Memphis TN: Terry Horgan). Alumni Würzburg University (Brentano: Wilhelm Baumgartner).  Philosophy of psychology and cognitive science, philosophy of language, metaphysics and ontology, analytic philosophy, logics, epistemology, ethics and moral philosophy. Founding editor of Acta analytica journal (now Springer), founder of Bled international philosophical conferences. Positions: Slovene philosophical society president, President of analytical philosophy society, President of cover-association of all Yugoslav philosophical associations. Member of APA, of Southern Society for Philosophy and Psychology, and many others. Received big award of Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Ljubljana. 

  • Austere realism (s T. Horganom), MIT Press 2008.

  • What It Is Like to Believe: Evidential Holism and Virtuous Epistemic Agency (s T. Horganom in V. Strahovnikom), Oxford UP (podpisana pogodba).

  • Zero Point Reference: Conscious Philosophy, LAP Lambert 2017.

  • Challenging Moral Particularism (izd., z M.N. Lance, V. Strahovnik); Routledge Studies in Ethics and Moral Theory 2008.

  • Intentionality and Extension, Acta analytica Ljubljana 1989.

  • Dinamčna filozofija, ZIFF Ljubljana 2004.

Poleg tega še desetine knjig v slovenskem, angleškem in hrvaškem jeziku, ter stotine objavljenih in še ne objavljenih člankov. 

Compulsory Courses

Elective Courses


19. 02. - 16. 04. 2025
Administrative Office, Faculty of Arts

Online sessions of studies at the University of Ljubljana

30. 01. - 31. 01. 2025
Faculty of Arts

The second doctoral conference of the Humanities and Social Sciences study programme: New perspectives in Humanities and Social sciences

09. 11. - 11. 11. 2023
Department of Archaeology, Faculty of Arts

26th Neolithic Seminar 'Eurasian Neolithics: How Cultures and Societies Evolve and Why It Matters'

27. 02. 2023
Faculty of Arts

Online presentation of University of Ljubljana for prospective international students

13. 10. 2022
Administrative Office for Doctoral Study, Faculty of Arts

EUTOPIA Citizen Science Clinics