History of Aestethics
Lectures: 60
Seminars: 0
Tutorials: 0
ECTS credit: 5
Lecturer(s): doc. dr. Hribar Sorčan Valentina, prof. dr. Kreft Lev
- what is aesthetics as philosophical discipline, what contemporary results it offers, what did aestheticians of the 20th century discussed about and what they discussed after it ended;
- historical genesis of aesthetics and changes in its status of philosophical discipline, relationship to other art sciences;
- historical overview of philosophical views on art, beauty and sensuousness (Plato, Aristotle, Helenism and Roman philosophy, Plotinus; medieval philosophy and aesthetic problems; renaissance and humanism; art in Modern Age: Descartes and troubles of French rationalism, English empirical philosophy; aesthetics in philosophical systems, with special concern for German Classical Philosophy; aesthetics in 19th and 20th century);
- contemporary events in art and recent debates in philosophy of culture (postmodernism and modernism, theories and artistic practices of the end of modernity – artistic avantgardes, anti-essentialism, instituional theories of art, contemporary philosophy of culture);
- contradictions and struggles of contemporary culture (national nad global in culture, feminist critique of traditional culture, post-colonial theories, artwork as commodity and aestheticization of commodities in global culture).
- Valentina HRIBAR SORČAN in Lev KREFT: Vstop v estetiko, Filozofska fakulteta 2005, COBISS.SI-ID – 219241472.
- Mario PERNIOLA: Estetika 20. stoletja, ZPS, Ljubljana 2000, COBISS.SI-ID - 109784064.
- Terry Smith, Contemporary Art: World Currents. London. Laurence King in Upper Saddle River: Prentice Hall ,2011, COBISS.SI-ID – 9036873.
- Madina Tlostanova, »Postsocialist ≠ postcolonial? On post-Soviet imaginary and global coloniality, Journal of Postcolonial Writing, let. 48, št. 2 (maj 2012), 130 – 142, dostopno na: https://www.academia.edu/1761214/Postsocialist_postcolonial_On_post_Sov… . (1.6.2023)
- Lucas Pohl, »Ruins of Gaia: Towards a Feminine Ontology of the Anthropocene«, Theory, Culture & Society, let. 37, št. 6 (november 2020), COBISS.SI-ID – 229060096 .