Hermeneutics 2
Lectures: 30
Seminars: 30
Tutorials: 0
ECTS credit: 5
Lecturer(s): prof. dr. Komel Dean
In the third millennium the philosophic unfolding of the situation of contemporaneity must first of all consider the nihilistic origin of our comprehension of humanity, which propels the crisis of the life-word.
The hermeneutic-phenomenological consideration questions the presuppositions of the confrontation of philosophy and contemporaneity in a manner that reflects its basic aspects, which are: “language”, “history”, “mind”, “thinking“, “science”, “technology”, “power”, “tradition”, “nature”, “art”, “Being”, “sense”, “truth”, “the divine”, “the human”, “life”, “world”, “spirituality”, “individuality”, “humanism”, “politics”, “European and planetary nihilism”, “globalism”, “imperialism”, “hope”.
Derrida, Jacques: »Konec knjige in začetek pisave«. V: O gramatologiji, Ljubljana 1998, str. 16–39. COBISS.SI-ID - 69707264
Gadamer, Hans-Georg: »Hermenevtika in destrukcija«. V: Izbrani spisi, Ljubljana 1999, str. 75–86. COBISS.SI-ID - 98971648
Gadamer, Hans-Georg: »Destrukcija in dekonstrukcija«. Phainomena 8, 29/30 (1999), 247–259. COBISS.SI-ID - 29705216 https://www.phainomena.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/Revija-Phainomena….
Gasché, Rodolphe: »Dekonstrukcija kot kritika«. V: Pisava in transcendentalno, ur. Uroš Grilc, Problemi 36, 1/2 (1998), str. 127–164. (Zbornik vključuje tudi druge relevantne tekste na temo dekonstrukcije, v celoti priporočeno, vendar neobvezno branje.) COBISS.SI-ID - 393869
Heidegger, Martin: »Metodična narava ontologije - trije temeljni elementi fenomenološke metode«. Phainomena 1, 2/3 (1992), str. 53–57. COBISS.SI-ID - 29705216 https://www.phainomena.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/Revija-Phainomena….
Heidegger, Martin: »Naloga destrukcije zgodovine ontologije«, Bit in čas, Ljubljana 1997, str. 41–50. COBISS.SI-ID - 69333760
Husserl, Edmund: »Fenomenološka arheologija«. Phainomena 14, 51/52 (2005), str. 5–8. COBISS.SI-ID - 29705216
Vattimo, Gianni: »Rekonstrukcija hermenevtične racionalnosti«. V: Filozofija na maturi, 3-4 (1999), str. 18–25. COBISS.SI-ID - 13679970