Ancient Philosophy 2
Lectures: 30
Seminars: 0
Tutorials: 30
ECTS credit: 4
Lecturer(s): doc. dr. Ciglenečki Jan, prof. dr. Zore Franc
Selected topics, authors and texts from Greek and Roman ancient philosophy.
1. Tackling individual philosophical questions and the development of basic philosophical concepts in Greek and Roman authors. The origin of philosophical terminology and its transfer into Latin. The issue of translatability of philosophy.
2. Selected ancient philosophical authors and analysis of their works or chapters from their works. The meaning of certain less-known authors and philosophical schools.
3. History of influences of ancient philosophy in Antiquity and later on.
Fragmenti predsokratikov, Ljubljana 2012: Empedokles (zv. 2, str. 105–199); Anaksagora (zv. 2, str. 595–609); Demokrit (zv. 2, str. 895–963). COBISS.SI-ID - 264441344
Platon, Zbrana dela I, Celje 2004, str. 887–914 (Menon; 286–337 (Sofist); 958–967 (Ion); 1646–1665 (Sedmo pismo). COBISS.SI-ID - 215101184
Aristotel, Kategorije, Ljubljana 2004, str. 9–19. COBISS.SI-ID - 216900352
Aristotel, Metafizika, Ljubljana 1999, str. 3–44 (1. knj.); 75–84 (4. knj.). COBISS.SI-ID - 104366592
Mark Avrelij, Dnevnik cesarja Marka Avrelija, Ljubljana 1988 (in ponat.). COBISS.SI-ID - 3776000
Epiktet: Izbrane diatribe in Priročnik, Ljubljana 2001, str. 119–151. COBISS.SI-ID - 111741952
Plotin, O večnosti in času, Ljubljana 2006, str. 9–91. COBISS.SI-ID - 225422592
Porfirij, Uvod, Filozofski vestnik, št. 1 (2004), str. 7–29. COBISS.SI-ID - 22424621
Suggested Readings:
Reale, G., Zgodovina antične filozofije, Ljubljana 2002, 4 zv. (izbrana pogl.).
Colli, G., Rojstvo filozofije, Ljubljana 2010.
Zore, F., Obzorja grštva, Ljubljana 1997, predvsem str. 37, 64–70, 79–83, 108–120.
Platon, Zbrana dela I, Celje 2004, str. 533–573 (Fajdros); 434–485 (Fileb); 342–391 (Politik).
Aristotel, Nikomahova etika, Ljubljana 1994, str. 7–73, 185–195, 322–328.
Aristotel, Fizika, Ljubljana, 2004, str. 59–82, 87–89, 108–113, 129–136, 152–157, 223–246.
Plutarh, O ljubezni, v: Dialogi o ljubezni, Ljubljana 2005, str. 21–70.
Plotin, Zbrani spisi, Ljubljana 2016 in naprej, str. 211–247 (O Dobrem ali o Enem).
Proklos, Prvine bogoslovja, Ljubljana 1997, str. 1–144.