Ecological Anthropology
Lectures: 30
Seminars: 0
Tutorials: 0
ECTS credit: 3
Lecturer(s): prof. dr. Simonič Peter
The course deals with human relationship to biophysical environment and other species, their use and social meanings. It addresses the processes by which communities recognize, transform, and otherwise incorporate the environment into their natural and cultural heritage (identities).
Historical and cross-cultural comparisons of ecological adaptations complement the society- and culture-oriented lens of 20th-century social and cultural anthropology, while the discipline eschews new determinisms.
Examples from climatology, geology, botany, zoology, geography, archeology, demography, epidemiology, gastronomy, medicine, technology, management, etc. are used to discuss the interaction between anthropocentric nature and culture.
We substantiate the theoretical models with ethnographic examples and evaluate them.
1. Barth, Fredrik. 2008 [1956] Ecological Relationships of Ethnic Groups in Swat. American Anthropologist 58(6): 1079-1089. JSTOR: https://www.jstor.org/stable/666295
2. Baš, Franjo. 1954. Pripombe k požigalništvu. Slovenski etnograf 6/7: 83-102 [COBISS.SI-ID - 239750144]; http://www.dlib.si/details/URN:NBN:SI:doc-3EFGNBHC
3. Chua, L. & H. Fair. 2019. Anthropocene. V: The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Anthropology (ur. Stein, F. idr.). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. http://doi.org/10.29164/19anthro
4. Conklin, Harold C. 1961. The Study of Shifting Cultivation. Current Anthropology 2/1: 27-61. https://www.jstor.org/stable/2739597
5. Dove, Michael R., Carol Carpenter (ur.). 2008. Environmental Anthropology. A Historical Reader Malden, Oxford, Victoria: Blackwell Publishing. (izbrana poglavja).
6. Gould, Stephen Jay. 1991 Darwinova revolucija. Ljubljana: Krt. (izbrana poglavja). [COBISS.SI-ID - 24185600]
7. Harris, Marvin. 1992. The Cultural Ecology of India's Sacred Cattle. Current Anthropology 33/1: 261-276. [COBISS.SI-ID - 5889031]; https://www.jstor.org/stable/2743946
8. Hughes, Donald J. 1983. How the Ancients Viewed Deforestation. Journal of Field Archaeology 10/4: 435-445. [COBISS.SI-ID - 4737546]; https://www.jstor.org/stable/529466
9. Kirkley, Eben. S. in S. Helmreich. 2010. The Emergence of Multispecies Ethnography. Cultural Anthropology 25/4: 545-576. [COBISS.SI-ID - 589077]; https://www.jstor.org/stable/40930489
10. Kottak, Conrad P. 1999. The New Ecological Anthropology. American Anthropologist 101/1: 23-35. [COBISS.SI-ID – 517652505]; [COBISS.SI-ID 24922112] ; https://www.jstor.org/stable/683339
11. Oelschlaeger, Max. 1991. The Idea of Wilderness. New Haven, London: Yale University. [COBISS.SI-ID 35287040]
12. Palsson, Gisli. 1996. Human-environmental relations: orientalism, paternalism, communalism. Nature and Society (Descola, Philippe, Gisli Palsson – ur.). London, New York: Routledge, str. 63-81. [COBISS.SI-ID 40339969]
13. Ramšak, Mojca. 2019. Etnobotanična metodologija – etnološki pristop. Hladnikia 43: 3-28. [COBISS.SI-ID - 1644429]; http://www.dlib.si/details/URN:NBN:SI:doc-C4ZRBXZT
14. Braidotti, Rosi, Mária Hlavajová (ur.) 2018. Posthuman Glossary. London [idr.]: Bloomsbury Academic. [COBISS.SI-ID 139577603]
15. Rappaport, Roy A. 1984. Pigs for the Ancestors. Ritual in the Ecology of a New Guinea People. Prospect Heights: Waveland Press. (izbrana poglavja) [COBISS.SI-ID - 28022114]
16. White, Leslie. 1943. Energy and the Evolution of Culture. American Anthropologist (New Series) 3/1: 335-356. [COBISS.SI-ID - 517652505]; https://www.jstor.org/stable/663173
17. Wilson, Sheena, Adam Carlson in Imre Szeman. 2017. Petrocultures. Oil, Politics, Culture. Montreal, London, Chicago: MyGill-Queen University Press. (izbrana poglavja). http://nukweb.nuk.uni-lj.si/login?url=https://search.ebscohost.com/logi…