Political Philosophy
Lectures: 30
Seminars: 0
Tutorials: 30
ECTS credit: 4
Lecturer(s): asist. dr. Kravanja Aljoša, viš. znan. sod. dr. Hajdini Simon
- Introduction: the concept of political with ancient Greeks, the Greek polis and the concept of the Constitution, the Athenian democracy.
- Plato's The State : a search for a definition of justice, arrangements of ideal state.
- Aristotle's political thought: man as a political being; economics and interpretation of slavery, the emergence of the polis; theory of constitutions, the definition of political science; eudaimonia, theory of justice.
- Hellenism and political ideas of early Christianity: the concept of natural law; Stoic cosmopolitanism and universalism of St.Paul
- Roman Republican system: basic concepts of Roman law.
- The Middle Ages: Thomas Aquinas and reconceptualisation of natural law.
- Machiavelli: a new theory of man and government.
- The Reformation: Luther's ethics and its impact, Locke and the idea of tolerance.
- Theories and concepts of social contract and original position: Hobbes, Spinoza, Locke, Rousseau, Kant.
- Declaration on human rights: universalism, egalitarianism, private and public, civil society.
- Moral and political ideologies of the modern age: liberalism, nationalism, utilitarianism, Marxism, totalitarianism, feminism, democrasism, racism.
- Conceptual dilemmas of democracy: the dictatorship of the majority, pluralism of values and civic egalitarianism, sovereignty and globalization.
1) Platon, Država, DZS, Ljubljana, 1976, str. 35-99. COBISS.SI-ID - 20666624
2) Aristotel, Politika, GV, Ljubljana, 2010, str. 104-160. COBISS.SI-ID - 252552448
3) N. Machiavelli, Vladar, v: Politika in morala, SM, Ljubljana, 1990, str. 5-96. COBISS.SI-ID - 17237760
4) T. Hobbes, Elementi naravnega in političnega prava. Del 1, Človekova narava, Krtina, Ljubljana, 2006, str. 13-124. COBISS.SI-ID - 230362624
5) J. Locke, »Pismo o toleranci«, v: Dve razpravi o oblasti / Pismo o toleranci, Krtina, Ljubljana, 2010. COBISS.SI-ID - 253953536
6) Deklaracija o pravicah človeka in državljana, https://sl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deklaracija_o_pravicah_%C4%8Dloveka_in_dr…