Practical Philosophy between Kant and Hegel
Lectures: 30
Seminars: 0
Tutorials: 30
ECTS credit: 4
Lecturer(s): asist. dr. Kravanja Aljoša, prof. dr. Kobe Zdravko
Historical and conceptual framework of Kant’s theory of morality (system of perfection, system of happiness, system of moral sense).
Kant’s attempt to conceive a system of universal a priori ethics that gives rise to special space of morality and to the concept of freedom provides a positive content. Critique of Utilitarianism. Formalism of the duty (Tipics) and determination of the will (Moral Feeling).
Contrariety of inclination and duty in Schiller; Schiller’s proposal to harmonize sensibility and reason in the notion of Beautiful Soul.
Hegel’s reception of Kantian theory of morality; objections of non-actuality, formalism, and indetermination of a moral deed in Kant; Hegel’s theory of Sittlichkeit; the role of objectivity and inter-subjectivity in determining the content of an action and in judging of its moral worth.
Theory of action in Kant and Hegel. Concept of freedom in Kant and Hegel. Critique of freedom as a freedom of choice.
The influence of Kant’s and Hegel’s moral theory in other fields of action (society, history).
Their influence on contemporary philosophy; the problems of contemporary philosophical discussions in regard to Kant and Hegel.
- I. Kant, Kritika praktičnega uma, Analecta, Ljubljana 2003, str. 5-159. COBISS.SI-ID - 121899008
- Fr. Schiller, Spisi o etiki in estetiki, Ljubljana, 2005, str. 7-98. COBISS.SI-ID - 223043584
- G. W. F. Hegel, Oris filozofije pravice, Krtina, Ljubljana, 2013, str. 13–58, 105–149. COBISS.SI-ID – 271154176