Translation Seminar III (SLO-ENG): Translation of Technical Texts
Lectures: 0
Seminars: 60
Tutorials: 0
ECTS credit: 3
Lecturer(s): doc. dr. Reindl Donald Francis
– Continued emphasis on translating phrases
– Contrast-based comparison of syntactic differences
– Comparative treatment of cohesive elements in texts
– Addressing cultural differences between Slovenia and English-speaking countries (especially in North America and Great Britain)
– Differences between translations and original texts in the target language
– The role and responsibility of the translator.
The class is based on material prepared by the instructor.
Students are expected to have access to various monolingual and bilingual dictionaries in electronic or paper form; for example:
1. Bajec, A. et al., ur. 1970-1991. Slovar slovenskega knjižnega jezika I-IV. Ljubljana: DZS. COBISS.SI-ID – 5680645
2. Enojezični EFL angleški slovar (približno 70.000 gesel) večje britanske ali ameriške založbe, npr.:/A monolingual EFL dictionary (approx. 70,000 entries) by one of the major British or American publishers, e.g.: Merriam-Webster, Longman, Collins, Oxford, Chambers, etc.
3. Enozvezkovni enojezični angleški slovar (približno 170.000 gesel) večje britanske ali ameriške založbe, npr.:/A desk monolingual English dictionary (approx. 170,000 entries) of the major British or American publishers, e.g. Collins Publishers, Oxford University Press, Longman Group, Chambers, Merriam-Webster, Random House etc.?
4. For decoding tasks: Krek, S. (ed.) 2005-6. Veliki angleško-slovenski slovar OXFORD®-DZS. Ljubljana: DZS. . COBISS.SI-ID – 217361664
5. For encoding tasks: Drinovec Sever, N., Pogačnik, A., Žerak, A. (eds). 2010. Priročni angleško-slovenski in slovensko-angleški slovar. Ljubljana: DZS COBISS.SI-ID - 251196416, and optionally Grad, Anton, Henry Leeming. 1994. Slovensko-angleški slovar. Ljubljana, DZS. COBISS.SI-ID - 38260224.
Optional: various specialized dictionaries (e.g., a dictionary of false friends, Longman Language Activator, rhyming dictionaries, thesauri, dictionaries of synonyms, picture dictionaries, various encyclopedias, terminological dictionaries, English-German, English-French, English-Italian, English-Spanish bilingual dictionaries).