Developmental psychodiagnostics

Developmental psychodiagnostics

Study Cycle: 1

Lectures: 45

Seminars: 30

Tutorials: 15

ECTS credit: 7

Lecturer(s): asist. Petrovec Živa Manja, prof. dr. Zupančič Maja

Introduction to developmental assessment: requirements, criteria, rules and typical assessment problems in different age-periods. Basic methods of developmental assessment in psychodiagnostics, advantages and shortcomings of specific methods.
An overview, description, explanation, application, utility, and evaluation of developmental instruments and techniques of assessment, relevance of their application in different developmental periods (e.g., observation, experiments in developmental psychology, interview, screenings and developmental tests, retrospective report, self-report), as well as with specific groups (e.g., physical disability, partial visual or hearing impairment, suspicion on dementia).
Limitations of psychological assessment in different developmental periods, e.g. the equivalence of the measurement constructs across the life-span, the same-rater bias and multiple-informant approach, ecological validity of developmental inventories and scales, practical and ethical problems of assessing individuals in natural and laboratory settings.
A systematic overview of contemporary developmental psychodiagnostic instruments, especially those available to the Slovene users. Presentation of the instrument administration using examples (video demonstration, demonstration with a doll and test material, explanation of the procedure, scoring, evaluation, presentation of results, interpretation, and recommendation).
Basic preparation for independent employment of simple assessment instruments (administration, scoring of the data obtained, presentation of results and their evaluation) across several cases: developmental screenings and tests/scales of cognitive, sensory-motor, social, and personality development in different periods of the life-span (e.g., the Denver Developmental Screening, Bayley Scales of Infant Development-II, WPPSI-III, child/adolescent personality questionnaires, scales of interpersonal difficulties for adolescents, tests of individuation for adolescents and emerging adults, interviews with the elderly, the system of adaptive skills over the life-span).

- Zupančič, M. in Kavčič, T. (2019). Ocenjevanje in spremljanje zgodnjega razvoja. V: L. Marjanovič Umek in M. Zupančič (ur.), Razvojna psihologija: izbrane teme (str. 23-50). Ljubljana: Znanstvena založba Filozofske fakultete UL. COBISS.SI-ID - 301441792
- Zupančič, M. in Kavčič, T. (2019). Zgodnji razvoj socialnega vedenja. V: L. Marjanovič Umek in M. Zupančič (ur.), Razvojna psihologija: izbrane teme (str. 78-107). Ljubljana: Znanstvena založba Filozofske fakultete UL. COBISS.SI-ID - 301441792
- Zupančič, M. in Svetina, M. (2022). Uvod v razvojnopsihološko diagnostiko. Ljubljana: Znanstvena založba FF UL. COBISS.SI-ID - 119488515
- Svetina, M. in Zupančič, M. (2013). Izbrane teme iz razvojnopsihološke diagnostike. Ljubljana: Znanstvena založba FF UL. (70 strani) COBISS.SI-ID - 267450112