Slovene-English Translation IV
Study Cycle: 1
Lectures: 0
Seminars: 0
Tutorials: 60
ECTS credit: 3
Lecturer(s): doc. dr. Reindl Donald Francis
The course is an introduction to Slovene-into-English translation. Students are expected to refine their previously acquired basic translation strategies and adapt and apply them to more complex texts in terms of syntax and meaning. They are introduced to specialized dictionaries; work with parallel texts is continued. The course is aimed at improved comprehension of fairly complex Slovene and English texts featuring advanced syntax, ambiguity, metaphorical meaning, analogies, as well as cultural and historical references. Students still deal with general purpose texts of various genres. Strict conveying of denotation and connotation is at the core of the course, not neglecting collocation and style, both common sources of errors in encoding. Particular emphasis is put on sensitivity to genre and context; text type and target readers' expectations determine the translation strategy. Practical translation is complemented by selected topics from Slovene-English contrastive analysis, foregrounding issues of collocation and style.
Students are expected to have access to various monolingual and bilingual dictionaries in electronic or paper form. Obligatory:
1. Bajec, A. et al., ur. 1970-1991. Slovar slovenskega knjižnega jezika I-IV. Ljubljana: DZS. COBISS.SI-ID – 5680645
2. Enojezicni EFL angleški slovar (približno 70.000 gesel) večje britanske ali ameriške založbe, npr.:/A monolingual EFL dictionary (approx. 70,000 entries) by one of the major British or American publishers; e.g., Meriam-Webster, Longman, Collins, Oxford, Chambers etc.
3. Enozvezkovni enojezicni angleški slovar (približno 170.000 gesel) večje britanske ali ameriške založbe, npr.:/A desk monolingual English dictionary (approx. 170,000 entries) of the major British or American publishers; e.g., Merriam-Webster, Collins, Oxford, Longman, Chambers, Random House, etc.
4. For decoding tasks: Krek, S. (ed.) 2005-6. Veliki angleško-slovenski slovar OXFORD®-DZS. Ljubljana: DZS. COBISS.SI-ID - 217361664
5. For encoding tasks: Drinovec Sever, N., Pogačnik, A., Žerak, A. (eds). 2010. Priročni angleško-slovenski in slovensko-angleški slovar. Ljubljana: DZS COBISS.SI-ID - 251196416, and optionally Grad, Anton, Henry Leeming. 1994. Slovensko-angleški slovar. Ljubljana, DZS.COBISS.SI-ID - 38260224
Optional: various specialized dictionaries; e.g., a dictionary of false friends, Longman Language Activator COBISS.SI-ID - 207970, rhyming dictionaries, thesauri, dictionaries of synonyms, picture dictionaries, various encyclopedias, terminological dictionaries, English-German, English-French, English-Italian, English-Spanish bilingual dictionaries.