German Language 2

German Language 2

Study Cycle: 1

Lectures: 0

Seminars: 0

Tutorials: 60

ECTS credit: 4

Lecturer(s): lekt. mag. Vremšak Richter Vanda

- More compex grammatical structures (passive, conjunctive I and II, subordinate clauses etc.);
- Systematic learning of new terminology by reading more demanding scientific texts;
- Refreshing structures typical for scientific language;
- Selection of the discussed text depends on the group (prior knowledge, work dynamics).

- V. Vremšak-Richter (2021): Deutsche Sprachlehre für Musiker und Musikologen -Lehr und Übungsbuch. Znanstvena založba Filozofske fakultete. COBISS.SI-ID - 77509891

- strokovna besedila: članki, monografije, biografije skladateljev in poustvarjalcev, spletne strani glasbenih ustanov, priložena besedila k izdaji CD-jev itd. Izbor, priredba in vaje: nosilka predmeta.