Social Philosophy
Study Cycle: 1
Lectures: 15
Seminars: 0
Tutorials: 30
ECTS credit: 3
Lecturer(s): asist. dr. Kravanja Aljoša, viš. znan. sod. dr. Hajdini Simon
- Descriptive and prescriptive-normative discourse on society.
- The individual and society.
- Nature and culture.
- Philosophy of the social sciences: the methodology of social science, game theory in social science.
- Morality as a social system: the theory of personal identity, the basic questions of moral philosophy, basic schools of moral philosophy (Aristotle, Kant, Bentham), moral individualism, moral pluralism of modern societies and human rights; tolerance theories.
- Politics and government: legitimation of power, political organization, problems and gaps in the understanding of the democratic order, the public, privacy, and civil society.
- Law and basic questions of philosophy of law: natural law theory and legal positivism.
- Economy and political economy: the relationship between economics, morality, and political, Marx's critique ofpolitical economy.
- The challenges of global society: globalization, terrorism and sustainable development.
1) Avguštin, Zakonski stan in poželenje, Študentska organizacija Univerze, 1993. str. 33-67. COBISS.SI-ID - 37288960
2) M. Hollis, Filozofija družbene vede, Aristej, 2002, str. 8-227. COBISS.SI-ID - 45476097
3) P. Virno, Slovnica mnoštva, Založba Krtina, 2003, str. 7-104. COBISS.SI-ID - 127096320
4) A. O. Hirschman, Strasti in interesi, Krtina 2002, str. 9-122. COBISS.SI-ID - 120580608
5) I. Primorac (ur.), Terorizem: filozofska vprašanja, Krtina 2005, str. 31-60. COBISS.SI-ID - 223861504