Marxism and Critical Theory
Study Cycle: 1
Lectures: 30
Seminars: 0
Tutorials: 0
ECTS credit: 3
Lecturer(s): prof. dr. Dolar Bahovec Eva
The syllabus includes key concepts of Marxism and their application to history of ideas and to new developments in contemporary critical theory.
Main topics:
- Key concepts of the history of ideas.
- Key concepts of Marxism.
- Introduction to critical theory of and to developments in contemporary critical theory.
- The idea of the great chain of being; hierarchy of the five senses; the gaze in history and its role in contemporary culture; the history of the body and the body in everyday life; the role of history of ideas in philosophy and for the question of the Enlightenment; the role of Marx and Freud.
- Marx, Engels and Marxism; the end of German classical philosophy; critique of Hegel and the Hegelians; Marx's critique of political economy; Engels's critique of anthropology; history of Marxist movement; the role of Korsch, Lukacs, Gramsci, Althusser, etc.; possible applications to feminism.
- Critical theory; reception of Marx; Adorno and Horkheimer; Marcuse's critique of Soviet Marxism; grounding of Marxism in psychoanalysis; critique of neofreudian revisionism; Reich's critique of psychoanalysis; Reich, mass psychology of fascism and schizophrenia; Adorno and his analysis of fascism; Benjamin's analysis of history and art; Žižek's analysis of fetishism etc.
- What is Enlightenment?; Rousseau and his role in the Enlightenment; Kant and his answer to the Enlightenment question; critical theory and dialectic of the Enlightenment; Kant and Foucault; relation between the Enlightenment question and the question on revolution; Foucault and his answer to the question What is critique?; feminism as Enlightenment project.
- What is revolution?; revolution in science; the role of Copernican revolution; political revolutions; importance of the French revolution; Rousseau and the French revolution; Marx and the proletarian revolution; reform or revolution; the role of Luxemburg, Trocki etc.; revolution and gender; sexual revolution.
- What is critique?; Kant and the role of his critiques; Foucault's critique of Kant; Foucault and Deleuze; Deleuze and his critique of Kant; Deleuze and Nietzsche; Nietzsche's new image of thought against traditional or dogmatic image of thought; mistake, illusion and stupidity; Deleuze on Marx and Freud; Deleuze, Guattari and the importance of their critique of Marx and Freud; capitalism and schizophrenia; materialist psychiatry; the concept of desiring production; the problem of Asian mode of production; the concept of the original state; savages, barbarians, civilized people; the concept of schizoanalysis and micropolitics; molecular revolution; minority literature and minority feminism; power and resistance, gender and sexual difference.
- Ideas and ideologies; the concept of idea in history of ideas and in philosophy; the concept of ideology in Marxism; camera obscura of ideology; Althusser on Marx and Freud; Lacan's return to Freud; Lacan and Marx; Balibar and Marx's philosophy; Balibar and the problem of citizens of Europe; Žižek's concept of ideological phantasm; Jameson's critique of multiculturalism; Marxism and postcolonialism.
- The role of feminism; Marx, Engels and material production; production of things and production of people; division of labour and gender; exchange of goods and exchange of women; critique of Lévi-Strauss in Beauvoir and Althusser; Beauvoir and her critique of historical materialism; the concept of the second sex; class struggle and the war between the sexes; body, power, gender; the role of Marxism in feminist movement; the role of later Althusser and his aleatory materialism; materialism and feminism.
The investigation of main topics is put in the wider context of the question 'What is Enlightenment?', and that of contemporary critical theoretical discussions.
Althusser, Louis (2000). Izbrani spisi. Ljubljana: Založba /cf. COBISS.SI-ID - 108716544
Bahovec, Eva D. (2023). Foucaultova kraljevska pot med filozofijo, zgodovino in psihoanalizo. Ljubljana: Znanstvena založba FF. COBISS.SI-ID - 142028035
Balibar, Etienne (2002). Marxova filozofija. Ljubljana: Krtina. COBISS.SI-ID - 118983168
Beauvoir, Simone de (2013). Drugi spol. 2. zv. Ljubljana: Krtina. COBISS.SI-ID - 267117568
Deleuze, Gilles in Félix Guattari (2017). Anti-Ojdip. Kapitalizem in shizofrenija. Ljubljana:
Krtina. COBISS.SI-ID - 292382464
Foucault, Michel (2004). Nadzorovanje in kaznovanje. Nastanek zapora. Ljubljana: Krtina. COBISS.SI-ID - 216378368
Foucault, Michel (2007). Življenje in prakse svobode. Ljubljana: Založba ZRC SAZU. COBISS.SI-ID - 239927040
Marx, Karl in Friedrich Engels (1979). Izbrana dela v petih zvezkih. Ljubljana: Cankarjeva založba. COBISS.SI-ID - 11644929