Philosophy of Mind
Study Cycle: 1
Lectures: 30
Seminars: 30
Tutorials: 0
ECTS credit: 5
Lecturer(s): prof. dr. Markič Olga
The basic questions of philosophy of mind are considered during the course. These are:
- Metaphysical: the problem of the mind-body and the problem of mental causation;
- Epistemological: the problem of other minds, the question about the status of the introspection and the distinction between first person and third person knowledge;
- Questions about the content of mental states, the problem of intentionality and the question about the structure of concepts;
- Questions about consciousness: the problem of qualitative experience and qualia, riddle of self-consciouness, personal identity and the free will problem.
1. Miščevič, N., Markič, O. (1998). Fizično in psihično: uvod v filozofijo psihologije, Aristej, Šentilj. (117 str.). COBISS.SI-ID - 43334145
2. Davidson, D. (1988). »Mentalni dogodki«, v Raziskave o resnici in interpretacij, Studia Humanitatis. (str. 7–31). COBISS.SI-ID - 696067
3. Hofstadter (ur.) (1990). Oko Duha, Mladinska knjiga, Ljubljana. (str. 65–75, str. 361–421). COBISS.SI-ID - 17074688
4. Markič, O., Bregant, J. (2007). Narava mentalnih pojavov, Maribor: Aristej (261 str.). COBISS.SI-ID - 59860225
5. Šuster, D. (ur.) (2007). O svobodni volji: Od Leibniza do Libeta. Maribor: Aristej (321 str.). COBISS.SI-ID - 59636993