Study Cycle: 1
Lectures: 60
Seminars: 0
Tutorials: 30
ECTS credit: 6
Lecturer(s): doc. dr. Zabel Blaž, prof. dr. Strahovnik Vojko
The concept of ontology and its place in philosophy. The relationship between ontology and metaphysics. Ontological issues and methods of ontology. Ontology in connection with and in relation to other philosophical disciplines. Basic concepts of ontology. Being and non-being. Types of being. Relationship: being-essence, essence-phenomenon, cause-effect, identity-difference, substance-accident, necessary random, etc. Thing-process-substance-essence. Being as a non-generic concept. Bit and nothingness. Time and space. Self-awareness and being.
The basic philosophical question: the relationship between being and thought/thinking.
Ontology as a philosophical discipline that seeks to define being in its identity; the identity of the being in relation to reality and in relation to possibility.
About the many meanings of being. The relationship between being and cognition. A concept as a means of perceiving being. Categories and categorical definition and utterance of being. Explication of concepts in the field of philosophy. The highest being.
Ontology in the development of philosophical thought: selected authors and questions. The limits of ontology and the critique of ontology. Ontology and nihilism.
Selected ontological questions and problems (personal identity, existence of value(s), etc.).
Borstner, Bojan. 1994. O tem, kar v svetu je. V: Prispevki iz analitične filozofije. Ljubljana: DAF in Radio Slovenija, str. 63-69. COBISS.SI-ID - 39029248
Parmenid, Heraklit, Protagora, 2012. Izbrani odlomki. V: Fragmenti predsokratikov. Ljubljana: Študentska založba (I: 359-371, 525-545; III: 33-41, 57-61). COBISS.SI-ID - 264441344
Platon. 2004. Država. V: Platon, Zbrana dela. 2004. Celje: Mohorjeva družba, 6. in 7. knjiga, 504d-526b. COBISS.SI-ID - 215101184
Aristotel. 1999. Metafizika (IV. knjiga). Ljubljana: ZRC SAZU, str. 75-104. COBISS.SI-ID - 104366592
Anzelm. 1983. Proslogion. Bogoslovni vestnik, 43(2), str. 187-204. COBISS.SI-ID - 8745472
Descartes, René. 1973/2004. Meditacije o prvi filozofiji, v katerih je dokazano bivanje božje in različnost človeške duše in telesa. Ljubljana: Slovenska matica, str. 49-54, 65-82. COBISS.SI-ID - 1886465 in 212849408
Kant, Immanuel. 1999. Prolegomena (izbrani odlomki). Ljubljana: DZS. COBISS.SI-ID - 79742720
Nietzsche, Friedrich. 1989 (tudi izdaja 2007). Somrak malikov ali Kako filozofiramo s kladivom; Primer Wagner: problemi glasbenikov; Ecce homo: kako postaneš, kar si; Antikrist: prekletstvo nad krščanstvo. Ljubljana, Slovenska matica, str. 16-29. COBISS.SI-ID - 13582592 in 231071744
Nietzsche, Friedrich. 1991/2004. Volja do moči: poskus prevrednotenja vseh vrednot. Ljubljana: Slovenska matica, str. 11-43. COBISS.SI-ID - 27946752
Heidegger, Martin. 1971. Evropski nihilizem. Ljubljana: Cankarjeva založba, str. 184-203. COBISS.SI-ID - 6497537
Heidegger, Martin. 1995. Uvod v metafiziko. Ljubljana: Slovenska matica, str. 1-45. COBISS.SI-ID - 53056256
Ayer, A.J. 1998. Odstranitev metafizike. Anthropos, 1-3, str. 206-213. COBISS.SI-ID - 736516
Parfit, Derek. 2001. Osebna identiteta. Analiza 5(1/2), str. 107-125. COBISS.SI-ID - 67716608
Moore, G. E. 2007. Dokaz zunanjega sveta. Analiza 11(4), str. 5-9. COBISS.SI-ID - 67716608
Mackie, John Leslie. 2008. Subjektivnost vrednot. Analiza 12 (1/2), str. 69-92. COBISS.SI-ID - 67716608
Tóth Hedžet, Cvetka 2012. Prednost upanja pred spoznanjem. Ars et humanitas, letnik 6, številka 2, str. 141-152. COBISS.SI-ID - 233246720