Frank Ruda: Sodobno laganje / Modern lying

Oddelek za filozofijo Filozofske fakultete, UL vabi v ponedeljek, 23. avgusta 2021, ob 18. uri na predavanje dr. Franka Rude (Dundee University) z naslovom Modern Lying, na katerem se bo osredotočil na zgodovinske preobrazbe, ki jih vzpostavljajo prakse laganja.

Dogodek je organiziran v okviru projekta VERBUM SAT in sofinanciran s strani Evropske komisije. Predavanje bo potekalo preko Zoom platforme v angleškem jeziku.



Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana invites you on August 23rd, 2021 at 6 pm to a lecture by dr. Frank Ruda (Dundee University) titled Modern Lying, which will focus on the historical transformations established by the practices of lying.

The event is organized as part of the VERBUM SAT project and co-financed by the European Commission. The lecture will take place via the Zoom platform.

Dodatne informacije / Additional information



Department of Translation Studies, Department of Slovene Studies, Faculty of Arts

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